EU-Pri: An approach how to teach citizenship education in the prison is one of the five projects that have been selected by Robert Bosh Stiftung to run under the funding of the Education on Europe program which is addressed to citizenship educators on European issues. Education on Europe aims to create, try out and evaluate new approaches to make European integration and EU politics more accessible to learners.
Respectively, EU-PRI, which is run by SKEL | The AI lab aims to enrich the knowledge of adult students-inmates about civic and political issues and cultivate the appropriate skills, values, and attitudes relative to their citizenship.
As part of the consecutive phases of the Education on Europe project, EU-Pri will participate in the evaluation conducted by the University of Roehampton London, and specifically the Department of Social Sciences, on the effectiveness of the five educational pilot projects funded by the Bosch Foundation. The Department of Social Sciences will evaluate the different educational programmes and help to assess the learning that has been gained from each project and which ones are the most effective with young people. The results will be collected in a publication.